Al-Muslim Staff Take Tendik Technical Competency Certification in Bogor City.

Saiful Ramadhan.S.Kom, a staff of the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Almuslim, Bireuen Aceh, participated in the Supervisor Associate Public Relations scheme training for the Technical Competency Certification Program for Education Personnel in 2021.

The program organized by IPB Vocational LSP in collaboration with LSP Public Relations Indonesia is a program of the Directorate of Resources, Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kemendikbudristek), taking place at the Whiz Prime Hotel Pajajaran and at the Bogor Vocational School, for 4 days (11-15 Oct 2021).

The training program aims to provide education staff with experience to play an important role in building communication and providing information with various stakeholders in order to build the image of the University or institution from the participants in an effort to initiate the Independent Learning-Campus Independent program (MBKM).

According to one of the trainers, Willi Bachtiar. M.I.kom (Lecturer of Communication Studies at Vocational LSP IPB, also chairman of PBC Perhumas Bogor) said that in the current era of Generation Z, the media plays an important role in conveying information, therefore an educational staff plays an important role in delivering good and correct information, he said.

The Chancellor of the University of Almuslim (Umuslim) Dr. Marwan, MPd, separately expressed his hope to the participants from the Muslim community that this training would be a source of energy for the campus to improve performance in an effort to improve services and quality graduates of University of Almuslim in the future.

The existence of lecturers and staff who have certification of technical competence, of course, is an acknowledgment that lecturers and staff have skills and abilities that are qualified and in accordance with established work standards, so that they will be able to improve higher education human resources in carrying out their duties and services, both as lecturers and as educational staff. , said Dr. Marwan, MPd.

The event was attended by 38 participants from various universities throughout Indonesia, the plan will be closed directly by the Head of LSP P1, the Dean of the Vocational School of IPB, LSPPRI together with PBC Public Relations of the Bogor City Government on October 15.(Public relation-Umuslim)

Berita ini adalah salah satu tugas dari Saiful Ramadhan.S.Kom, (staf  Universitas Almuslim Bireuen) saat  mengikuti  pelatihan skema Supervisor Associate Public Relations Program Sertifikasi Kompetensi Teknis Tenaga Kependidikan Tahun 2021.